Installing AVG Antivirus Business Edition - Workaround
This is a workaround to the AVG license activation issue. Install the legacy version (that asks for the key before installing). Once installed, run the installer for the new version. This seems to allow the app to accept the activation code and show it as valid -- READ FULL PROCESS BELOW:
First, you should have DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt certificate installed on every VM that you are trying to install AVG antivirus on. This has helped us solve AVG activation issues in the past. Download at
this link here. (see image below for details).
To Install the DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt certificate:
- on the VM, open the Run menu, type MMC, and hit Enter to open Microsoft Management Console
- On MMC window, hit CTRL+M and add the Certificates Snap-in to the Computer Account and click OK
- Expand Certificates (Local Computer) --> Trusted Root Certification Authorities --> Certificates
- Right-click the Certificates folder and select All Tasks --> Import
- Browse to the location of the DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt certificate you downloaded and finish the wizard to install the certificate
Full Workaround Process:
- IMPORTANT: The VM MUST be connected to the internet in order to reach the AVG activation servers. Otherwise, this process WILL NOT work.
- Download ALL 3 installers from this link: (Legacy, Latest Online, and Latest Offline)
- Uninstall AVG antivirus, allow the VM to reboot to finish uninstallation
- Download and run AVG Clear to fully remove AVG from OS, then reboot.
- Install the DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt certificate on your VM (process detailed above)
- Make all 3 installers from step 1 available on your VM OS
- Install AVG using the Legacy offline installer -- this will prompt you to enter the license key before installation.
- Once the legacy version is installed, you will notice the same error "Your subscription (license) is not valid".
- With the legacy version still installed, run the installer for the Latest version (offline)
- When this installer finishes, check My subscription. The valid license key should be entered and activated properly.